First-Time Offender Attorney in Myrtle Beach, SC

Many of our clients are first-time offenders, and we greatly appreciate the opportunity to represent these people and be their guide to getting their lives back on track. Whether you are a college student in the wrong place at the wrong time or someone who made a simple mistake, we want to help. Good people often find themselves in difficult situations regardless of how careful or conservative they may be. We aim to help you endure these situations as painlessly and quickly as possible. When you call Grooms and Thomas, you can schedule a free and confidential consultation with one of our attorneys. We want your business, and we plan to earn your trust.    

For any offender, our goal is to have your charges dismissed. If that is not an option, other avenues may exist to resolve your case without a lasting conviction being levied against your permanent criminal record. Below are a few potential diversion programs that may apply to your case.

Pretrial Intervention (PTI) – a great program that accepts clients upon a referral from the state, often after negotiations are had with defense counsel. In this program, you will be assigned a case agent who determines the conditions that must be met to complete the program successfully. A few examples of required tasks are community service, alcohol or drug-related classes, counseling, and in some cases, random drug screenings. Assuming you complete the program and have no other arrests during that time, your charge will be dismissed, and you will then be eligible for an expungement of the records related to your charge.

Conditional Discharge – a conditional discharge is essentially a guilty plea with a great caveat for the defendant. In South Carolina, a defendant is eligible for a conditional discharge on certain drug offenses once in their lifetime. The defendant admits guilt, but the judge allows them to complete either community service or drug testing to have the charge dismissed and the guilty plea vacated after they meet the court-ordered requirements. 

Traffic Education Program (TEP) is a driving offense-related program requiring a short defensive driving class and minimal community service. Upon successful completion, the court can dismiss the driving offense you were charged with.

Drug Court – a program for defendants with addiction issues, including narcotics or alcohol. It is an intense diversion program with a near zero-tolerance policy regarding substance abuse. Defendants only enter this program on referral and acceptance by the state, the defendant pleads guilty, and their sentence is held in abeyance upon the completion of the program. If a person completes the program successfully, the guilty plea is vacated, and the charge is dismissed. If a person is unsuccessful, the drug court officials may terminate their spot in the program, and the sentence previously ordered by the court will be immediately reinstated. Drug Court is a great program that has improved many lives, but it is only for serious participants who are ready to change their lives.

Other programs are available depending on the charges and jurisdiction of the alleged offense. We invite you to contact our office for a free and confidential consultation to discuss your options.

Lawyer shaking hands with acquitted first time offender